Pediatrics Department

Pediatrics Department

Our hospital has a distinct floor dedicated to child care. A comprehensive Pediatric unit consists of a six-bed NICU, an eight-bed PICU, special rooms, and a general ward. Two pediatric intensive care doctors and pediatric endocrinologist doctors are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to handle any pediatric emergency, OPD patients, and various Endocrine disorders in children, including Growth, Puberty Thyroid Disorders, Childhood Diabetes, and other Endocrine disorders. All forms of vaccinations, well-baby clinics, Asthama clinics, and all general acute and chronic pediatric concerns are covered in the Pediatric OPD.

Dedicated Pediatric Ventilators, Noninvasive ventilation, Bubble CPAP, Invasive and noninvasive sensors, and infusion pumps are all available in the PICU and NICU.

Patients are referred to PICU from all around Marathwada, with a variety of complicated illnesses such as asthmatic status, epilepsy, and ARDS with multiorgan failure.

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